By Rebecca Salamon
NFT Minting is on the Polygon Network. Below are the NFTs available for Mint along with descriptions.
Mint NFT
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All cardiac nerves in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with Actl6bcre;Rosa26tdTomato with 488 secondary and pseudocolored red.
All cardiac nerves in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with Actl6bcre;Rosa26tdTomato with 488 secondary.
Parasympathetics nerves in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with ChATcre;Rosa26tdTomato
Sympathetic nerves in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) with 488 secondary.
Parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation overlay in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with ChATcre;Rosa26tdTomato and TH-488.
Coronary arteries in the P7 anterior heart. Labeled with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato and pseudocolored white.
Coronary arteries in the P7 anterior heart. Labeled with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato and pseudocolored black.
Coronary arteries in the P7 posterior heart. Labeled with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato and pseudocolored black.
Innervation of the neurovascular system in the E16.5 anterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488, arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato, and veins and capillaries with Endomucin (EMCN)-647
Innervation of the neurovascular system in the E17.5 anterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488, arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato, and veins and capillaries with Endomucin (EMCN)-405
Innervation of the neurovascular system in the E17.5 posterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488, arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato, and veins and capillaries with Endomucin (EMCN)-405
Innervation of the neurovascular system in the E16.5 posterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488, arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato, and veins and capillaries with EMCN-405
Innervation of the coronary arteries in P7 anterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488 arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato
Innervation of the coronary arteries in P7 posterior heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488 arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato
Innervation of the left coronary arteries in P7 heart. Labeled nerves with Tuj1-488 arteries with Cx40cre;Rosa26tdTomato
Parasympathetics nerves in the E16.5 posterior heart. Labeled with ChATcre;Rosa26tdTomato
Sympathetic nerves in the E16.5 posterior heart. Labeled with Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) with 488 secondary
Parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation overlay in the E16.5 posterior heart. Labeled with ChATcre;Rosa26tdTomato and TH-488.
Proliferating cardiomyocytes. Labeled cardiomyocytes with cardiac troponin T (cTnT), mitosis with Phospho-Histone 3 (pH3), and nuclei with DAPI.